The book of Tenacious tells the story of a man named Jeremy Williams. He grew up in Columbus, GA being the smallest of his siblings. He kept a strong faith with God even playing all the sports he did. His mother always made sure her boys always made time for church. When Jeremy was in high school he met a girl that had a huge crush on him for years, Jennifer. With just a few phone calls they were in love. When Jeremy graduated from high school he went on to Memphis State to play football while Jennifer stayed around their home town. Even though distance separated them they would still maintain a strong relationship.
In the beginning of the book it tells that Jeremy and Jennifer had been blessed with a daughter, Josey and a son, Jacob. In the first chapter it talks about the couple's friends wrote letters to Extreme Makeover Home Edition to rebuild the Williams home to make it more suitable for their son, he has spina bifida. Jeremy was diagnosed with ALS and he didn't have many more years to live. So that when he died, his family would be settled in a new and improved home. Months later the Tv show took a visit to the Williams family and gave them the home they deserved.
Tenacious to me means that when the times get tough, the tough get going. When you get knocked down you can't stay there, you have to get back up and keep going throughout your life. No one said life was going to be easy. The Williams are a perfect example of tenacious, they stay strong and love eachother and live each day to the fullest which most people should, you never know what tomorrow has in store.
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